Swimming Pool Salt: Complete Guide for Effective Maintenance


Swimming pool salt is essential for maintaining a saltwater pool in optimal condition. It plays a key role in disinfecting the water and contributes to the overall chemical balance of the pool. In this article, we will answer all the common questions about using salt in swimming pools, including recommended quantities, measurement methods, and tips for effective maintenance.

How to Measure Salt Levels in a Pool?

To measure the salt levels in a pool, use an electronic salt tester or specific salt test strips. It’s important to maintain an optimal salt level between 3,000 and 5,000 ppm (parts per million) for proper operation of the saltwater chlorination system.

How Many Kilograms of Salt per Cubic Meter for a Pool?

In general, you should add between 4 and 5 kg of salt per cubic meter (m³) of water to achieve the recommended salt concentration in a pool. For example, for a 50 m³ pool, you will need approximately 200 to 250 kg of salt.

How to Increase the pH of My Saltwater Pool?

To increase the pH of a saltwater pool, you can use baking soda or a specific pH increaser product. Add it gradually according to the manufacturer’s recommendations, and test regularly until the pH is between 7.2 and 7.6.

How Much Salt for a Pool?

The amount of salt needed depends on the size of your pool. For a 50 m³ pool, you will need about 200 to 250 kg of salt to reach the recommended level of 3,000 to 5,000 ppm. Use a salt calculator to determine the exact amount needed based on the size of your pool.

How Much Salt for a Saltwater Chlorination Pool?

For a pool equipped with a saltwater chlorination system, it is crucial to maintain a salt concentration between 3,000 and 5,000 ppm. This corresponds to about 4 to 5 kg of salt per cubic meter of water.

How to Lower Chlorine Levels in a Saltwater Pool?

To lower chlorine levels in a saltwater pool, you can reduce the operating time of the chlorination system or dilute the pool water by adding fresh water. You can also use a chlorine neutralizer if the level is too high.

What is the Difference Between Pool Salt and Water Softener Salt?

Pool salt is typically high-purity salt designed specifically to dissolve in pool water and be used with saltwater chlorination systems. Water softener salt, on the other hand, is used for domestic water softeners and may contain additives that are not suitable for a pool.

How Much Salt in a Pool?

The salt level in a pool should be maintained between 3,000 and 5,000 ppm. The exact amount of salt depends on the size of the pool and the initial salt level in the water. Use a salt tester to determine the exact amount needed.

How Much Salt per Cubic Meter for a Pool?

On average, you should add 4 to 5 kg of salt per cubic meter of water to reach the optimal salt level in a pool. This amount may vary slightly depending on the specific conditions of the pool.

How to Calculate the Amount of Salt for a Pool?

To calculate the amount of salt needed for your pool, multiply the pool’s volume (in m³) by the recommended amount of salt per cubic meter (usually 4 to 5 kg). For example, for a 60 m³ pool, you will need between 240 and 300 kg of salt.

How to Increase Chlorine Levels in a Saltwater Pool?

To increase chlorine levels in a saltwater pool, you can increase the operating time of the saltwater chlorinator or add liquid or granular chlorine directly to the pool. Regularly test the chlorine levels to ensure they are within the recommended range.

How to Treat Green Water in a Saltwater Pool?

To treat green water in a saltwater pool, start by checking and adjusting the chlorine and pH levels. Increase the filtration time and add an algaecide compatible with saltwater systems. You may also need to shock the pool with a high dose of chlorine.

How Much Salt for a 60 m³ Pool?

For a 60 m³ pool, you will need approximately 240 to 300 kg of salt to reach an optimal salt level between 3,000 and 5,000 ppm. Use a salt tester to adjust this amount precisely based on the current salt level.


Swimming pool salt is crucial for maintaining a healthy and balanced pool. By following these tips, you can optimize the use of salt in your pool, answer the most common questions, and ensure a pleasant and safe swimming experience. For all your pool salt needs, feel free to check out our online store.

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